Welcome to our Lawoffice

We are a young expanding lawoffice, generally for business demands, located in Berlin and Hamburg. We mainly claim the interests of medium-sized corporations, self-contained people, and real persons. Our clients come to us predominantly in their property as entrepreneur, employer, and landlord. Contract law and delict law are therefore our points of concentration. You will find further information concerning our law profession on our team website.

It’s definitely our pleasure, occasionally to claim for employees, tenants, and aleged criminals. You, then, can profit from our professional experience because we know how your opponent thinks and acts.

If you wish your legal interests to be claimed by a highly motivated dynamic team, we are the right ones. The person, who pays us will get her/ his claim succeeded.

Just make a quickly-set appointment with the lawyer of your choice in our law-office. We will be honored to welcome you.


Fulfillment and enforcement of your legal interests is our main target. As your lawyers, we advocate your interests as if they were ours. The result is a maximum engagement in your case – just what you demand us. We assure that all your legal periods are accomplished; thereby you can keep your mind free for other things.

We accompany you through the offensive way, whether to defend or to enforce your legal interests. We are well known for using the whole juridical repertoire if useful for your interests. Furthermore, we feel committed to work for you discretely and even as a detective if necessary.

As you advocate us to be, we work with the principals of collegiality and looking with four eyes: all major decisions of a mandate are put for discussion with at least one other lawyer. This guarantees the analysis of your case from different perspectives. This team oriented work is a safety belt round the whole working process in our law office and a major part of our law office philosophy.


We have the permission for legal acts at all district, regional, and higher courts in civil, criminal, and governmental law up to the German Constitutional Court and the European Court for Human Rights and Commerce.

We process your claims all over Germany primarily personally, contrary to other lawoffices, which often undermandate correspondent lawyers. The advantage or you is that in case of attending the court of appeal, you won’t need to change your lawyer. In addition, you are assured to be represented by the lawyer, you have given your private information. Furthermore, we cooperate with numerous lawyers, tax consultants, and accountants in Germany, as well as other countries worldwide.


We take special care about being available for our clients round the clock, as far as possible!

Therefore you can find all the lawyers’ mobile numbers on their business cards. You can ask for them as well at our administrative office.


Attorney at Law

  • Commercial Law
  • Labour Law
  • Criminal Law
  • International Contract Law (CISG)
  • Building Law


Attorney at Law

  • Commercial Law
  • Law of Tenancy
  • Family Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Motoring Law


We employ:

  • A trainee by above average payment

An explicative application and curriculum vitae is requested.